Admin 19/11/2018
  1. Conveyor belts using for rejecting the error products (Depositing; Diverting and Sorting):

Encluding the Depositing and Rejects conveyor belts system. Between two kinds of these conveyor system has the clear differences.

Rejects conveyor belts:

Non reaching standard products will be rejected. A sensor system will scan and detect the errors, products with wrong specifications, or unsafe. There are many ways to reject the error conveyor belts, but the most commonly use is Retracting Tail. Accordingly, the defective products will fall into another conveyor belt and then move into the boxes to be processed, the boxes can be removed or brought to another process.

Depositing conveyor:

This is a withdrawal conveyor system, which is combined with a sensor system to classify products and direct them to the correct place for packaging or other purposes.

2. Diverting and Sorting conveyor:

Conveyors used in this system are the common conveyor belts, in combination with simple classify systems. At this time, the products are classified based on their weight and shape, capacity (volume), etc. The conveyor is now installed in the form of branching. In addition, thanks to the sensor system, the products are diverted through stable branches or active gates, gauntlets, etc. In particular, they will change the direction of the product to one or more locations, separate the products based on different standards.

3. Elevator and line egress conveyor:

Many factories and company have the small area, the conveyor belt is a great solution to solve the problem of lacking space. Goods will be conveyed up and down the slope by the conveyor belt combining with the buckets.

In addition, curve conveyor belts can also be used for some spaces, or for some specific locations. Curvature will depend on the nature of the environment, may be large or small.

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