Admin 16/11/2018

Conveyor belts when being ordered will be provided the information about the types, the core layer characteristic, and the specifications. Particularly, the specifications are the length, the perimeter that is necessary to install in the conveyor frame. However, this specification is not only the distance between 2 rollers. If do like that, the length is only not equal the real necessary for the frame. Because the conveyor belts include the 2 conveying flat, add the parts that cover 2 rollers as well as the additional length for conducting glue or heat compress.

Now, Bach Tung JSC provides the formula for estimate the perimeter of the conveyor belts:

  1. Measuring the length between 2 rollers (active and passive one).
  2. Measuring the diameter of the active roller.
  3. Measuring the diameter of the passive roller.
  4. Adding the aditinal part for glue or heat compress.

For example:

Conveyor belts B300x10 mm have:

  • Distance between the rollers: 10 m
  • Diameter of the active roller: Ø 350
  • Diameter of the passive roller: Ø 303

Perimeter = 10x2 + ((0.350 x 3.14)/ 2) + ((0.303 x 3.14)/ 2)

                = 20 + 0.55 + 0.48

                = 21.03 m

So the exactly perimeter of this conveyor belts must ne 21.03 m add the glue/ heat compress part. About the sizes of the conecting parts, Bach Tung JSC will guide the customers based on their chosen of glue or heat compress.

Bach Tung JSC is distributing all types of conveyor belts which are directly imported from Japan, Thailand, Germany, etc. accompany with the processing, installing, glue/ heat compressing services. Moreover, we also supply the rollers and the conveyor frame.

Contact here for more detail.

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